Advanced Pain Therapy, LLC

(973) 917-3172

Sciatica Exercises

Static nerve pain is usually caused by injury to or pressure on the sciatic nerve. Because the sciatic nerve runs from the lower back to the back of the leg, sciatica nerve pain can be felt in the lower back, hip, the back of the lower leg, as well as the sole of the foot. In most cases, the pain is felt on only one side of the body.

Sciatic nerve pain can get worse after prolonged standing or sitting, or walking for a relatively large distance. That's why the holiday festivities can cause sciatica pain.  As  you walk  in  the  mall  shopping  for holiday presents, stand in 

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your kitchen making dinner, or simply sit at the table playing board games with your family, your sciatic nerve may get compressed and thus cause you pain.

If you experience sciatica pain, you way try the following sciatica remedies to find relief.

Take it easy. If your holiday preparation triggers pain or

makes the pain worse, reduce your activities and

avoid heavy lifting or twisting of your back.

But understand that prolonged inactivity may cause

the symptoms to become worse. So reduce your

activities, but do not completely stop Cool it down or

heat it up. Applying ice or heat to the painful area can

often reduce the pain. But if there is swelling

(inflammation), make sure to use ice to remove the

inflammation before you apply heat therapy.

Try yoga. Stretching can help relive nerve compression and reduce pain. Recent studies found that yoga, especially lyengar yoga, is effective in reducing chronic pain, including lower back pain. So if you suffer from sciatica, you may want to consider adding yoga to your new year's resolution.

Take medication. If the above remedies do not provide you with adequate pain relief, you may want to try some over-the-counter pain killers. Medications such as ibuprofen and Tylenol can be taken to relive mild sciatic nerve pain.

The above sciatica remedies generally work well for a lot of people. But if your sciatica pain continuesdespite your effort, talk to your doctor. Depending on the cause and severity of your sciatica, your doctor may recommend different sciatica remedies, including stronger anti-inflammatory medication, physical therapy, and even surgery.

Dr. Marcello Sammarone, MD ●