Advanced Pain Therapy, LLC

(973) 917-3172

Endoscopic Facet Rhizotomy is an outpatient procedure is a true minimally invasive spine surgery (least invasive options for patients) used to deaden affected nerves causing spasm, neck and chronic back pain.

This procedure uses the guidance of X-Ray (Fluoroscopy) and doesn't damage the surrounding muscles like traditional spine surgery.

When the patient has lower back pain for more than 6 weeks and the pain does not respond to conservative treatments, this procedure could be an option to treat patient, but your Pain Management Specialist has to determine it.

Some studies show that the Endoscopic Rhizotomy is safer and performs with superior longevity when compared to published results of Radiofrequency Facet Ablation.

Call (973) 917-3172 to schedule your appointment TODAY!

Endoscopic Facet Rhizotomy