(973) 917-3172
Even though this condition is quite common, the symptoms that it shares with other conditions involving pain in the lumbar region typically makes the sacroiliac joint dysfunction difficult to diagnose. In general, the first step of the diagnosis process involves a thorough physical exam during which the patient will be required to perform several simple motions in order for the physician to determine the origin of the pain and whether or not it can be linked to other underlying conditions. The procedure is known as the FABER examination and it usually involves the following tests while laying on the back:
In the eventuality that the physician is unable to determine the cause of the lower back pain, then the patient will need to undergo further examination with more specialized diagnosing devices, such as:
If neither of the aforementioned examinations help the physician reach a conclusion regarding the source of the pain, then the only solution to finding a diagnosis are the SI joint injections. It is important to note that because this method is very accurate, meaning that the pain should alleviate right away in case the patient is actually suffering this condition, it constitutes the preferred diagnosis approach by all medical professionals.