Advanced Pain Therapy, LLC

(973) 917-3172


When one of the sacroiliac joints start to "malfunction", painful sensations are experienced in the associated section of the lower back, in the proximity of the buttocks, within the groin region and/or around the thighs. However patients can display the painful sensations on both sides.

Frequent factors that determine the occurrence of the sacroiliac joint dysfunction include the following:

  • Spondylosis, a condition that is also referred to as spinal osteoarthritis. Sacroiliitis resulted from this condition is more  frequently encountered in patients belonging to the older demographics and it develops as a result of the normal degenerative process, but is not that uncommon for younger patients. Basically, the cartilages become worn and the bones are constantly rubbing together, so the friction generates painful sensations.
  • Alternative forms of arthritis, which trigger cartilage degenerative processes including rheumatoid arthritis, anklylosing spondilytis and gout, eventually causing the same problem as the aforementioned spondylosis. 
  • Pregnancies, when the hormones secreted by the female body to help coping with the childbirth have a propensity towards conferring the ligaments/cartilages of the sacroiliac joints extra flexibility. Because the sacroiliac joints loosen, it causes the bone on bone chafing. At the same time, the extra weight accumulated during the pregnancy period as well as the altered walking patterns become problematic for the more flexible SI joint.
  • Trauma and injuries, when the sacroiliac joint gets damage and/or displaced from its original location.
  • Infections, however infrequent can determine swelling of the sacroiliac joints and the associated painful sensation.

Call (973) 917-3172 to schedule your appointment TODAY!

Sacro-iliac (SI) Joint Injections